‘The Clearing’ sparks debate in Bangalore
July 22, 2010 :: Related project: NCBS Residency and Plays
On 24 and 25 June the Alliance Française was packed for performances of ‘The Clearing’ by Gautum Raja. First developed at the Theatrescience/ART Residency at the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in 2009, and dramaturgically supported by Jeff Teare, ‘The Clearing’ explored the impact of the invasive plant lantana, and the lives of those affected by it.
Human and ecological invasions intertwine in ‘The Clearing’ this week
June 22, 2010 :: Related project: NCBS Residency and Plays
This week sees the culmination of 18 months of inspiration, writing, research and development, as Gautum Raja’s play ‘The Clearing’ is performed for the first time, at the Alliance Française in Bangalore.
‘Action Against Worms’ Uganda Report Published Online
May 27, 2010 {REL[79][news_related_project]0AKvqfKHREL}
‘Action Against Worms’ began in October 2009, and concluded recently with a celebratory festival, where schoolchildren from the Busia district of Uganda shared their performances with hundreds of other young people, community members, politicians and local dignitaries. Over the past eight months directors Jeff Teare and Rebecca Gould have worked with children, teachers and Community Based Organisation (CBO) representatives, sharing ideas and techniques for using drama to communicate important public health messages.
Theatrescience New Play Commissions Underway!
May 20, 2010
Theatrescience is buzzing with writerly activity: three established playwrights have been commissioned to produce pieces for ‘Not My Fault’ , and this month sees Ben Musgrave – previous winner of the Bruntwood Playwriting Prize for ‘Pretend You Have Big Buildings’ – travelling to Uganda to research a new play inspired by the groundbreaking DART HIV clinical trial.
Theatrescience in Uganda
April 13, 2010 {REL[69][news_related_project]0AKvqfKHREL}
The ‘Acting Against Worms’ Bilharzia Drama Festival took place in the Busia District of Uganda on the 10th of April 2010. Five schools performed pieces about Bilharzia prevention to an audience of 300+ including many local dignitaries and politicians.
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