Not My Fault

Not My Fault is a Wellcome Trust and Arts Council England-funded project creating new pieces of theatre about genetic variation and health. Following a 3-day workshop at the Eden Project, three plays are in development, and Theatrescience is also supporting three young writers from the South West to create pocket-sized pieces which will be performed at the Eden Project in November 2010.

Plays have been commissioned from Selma Dimitrijevic, Simon Turley and Alison Falconer, and all are currently in development, with workshops and readings taking place over the coming months.

The next phase of the project will feature performances of the young writers’ pieces and Simon Turley’s play ‘State of Nature’ in the Eden Project biomes. Performances will take place daily from 17 - 25 November (except 22 November). The two-week programme will also feature a launch event including a panel discussion about the themes of the plays, readings of extracts of ‘Extremely Brief and Violent’ by Selma Dimitrijevic and ‘50/50’ by Alison Falconer, also commissioned as part of ‘Not My Fault’, and a launch of the playtext of ‘State of Nature’ and the young writers’ pieces, published by Parthian.

Performances will form the basis of public engagement discussion events and will be published and made available on-line.

For more information about the Eden Project performances, including how to book, please visit ‘State of Nature’

Project News

‘Not My Fault’ Evaluation by Dr Jessica Mordsley
March 08, 2011

Dr Jessica Mordsley’s independent Evaluation of the whole ‘Not My Fault’ project is now posted under Reports.

Theatrescience at the Eden Project
July 02, 2009

Funding has now been secured, from the Wellcome Trust, for Theatrescience to mount a major programme of work, ‘Not My Fault - Genetic Predisposition or Personal Responsibility?’ at the Eden Project, Cornwall, UK.


© Theatrescience